Opinaka-Time makes project management easier
Opinaka-Time helps you managing efficently your tasks to let you dedicate more hours to your real hobbies.
- Un seul endroit pour toutes vos tâches : Planifiez votre journée efficacement en capturant et en organisant toutes vos tâches au même endroit
- Accès en tout lieu : Accédez à vos tâches et listes n’importe où, en déplacement, sur tous vos appareils
- Collaborez rapidement : Soyez plus productif en partageant des listes et en déléguant des tâches

New ToDo Project
Any user can create their own team-project

+ Add Task
You can add tasks on any team-project

+ Add task progress
you can add task spent time

Every Task
It give you a quick and clear view of the current status of your projects and tasks.

Spent Times
give you a quick and clear view of the current status of your projects and tasks.

List of Projects
Any user can create their own team-project

List of Tasks
You can add tasks on any team-project

+ Add task progress
you can add task spent time

Add Project Access Right
It give you a quick and clear view of the current status of your projects and tasks.

List of Project Access Rights
give you a quick and clear view of the current status of your projects and tasks.

App User
- part 1
- run apps with only private data
- private date : enregistred and not enregistred
- part 2
- see blog : apps
- see blog use cases
- part 3
- get Master Data
- see blog master Data
- part 4
- see blog delivery
- part 5
- see help

- part 1
- run apps : only use cases
- using academic data and open data
- part2
- see blog apps
- see blog use cases
- see blog datasets
- part 3
- see subset of master data
- see blog master data
- part 4
- see blog deliverry
- part 5
- see help

- part 1
- run apps only with acdemic and open data
- part 2
- add blog datasets
- add blog apps
- add blog use cases
- part 3
- add blog master data
- see ubset of master data
- part 4
- add blog delivery
- part 5
- add help

Use case developer
- part 1
- run apps with acdemmic data and open data
- part 2
- add blog datasets
- add blog apps
- add blog use cases
- part 3
- no access to master data
- part 4
- add delivery (excel, pbi)
- add blog delivery
- part 5
- see help

app Maker
- part 1
- run scenario with academic and open dta and subest of private data
- part 2
- add senarios
- add blog scenaios
- add blof datasets
- add blog use cases
- part 3
- add master data (create)
- add blog master data
- part 4
- add delivery (create excel, etx)
- add blog delivery
- part 5
- see help